I got an email from two of my oldest friends in Scotland (well one escaped back to England but I can forgive him for that). One has become management, so I guess he needs uninstall his compiler and be satisfied just using word and power point. The other is finishing up her Phd.


I get an email update from Hot Jobs ever so often, I think this might be the job for me Vice President of Operations. Give me lots of money 🙂 Or maybe an Industrial Security Specialist I, darn its needs security clearance…. Ahh here is my calling Retail Night Supervisor. Thats the one

“The Oxford bar was busy when Rebus arrived. He’d already had one drink at the Maltings, leaving before the evening influx of student, and two drinks at Swany’s on Causewayside.” Ian Rankin, Set in Darkness.
Its fun reading Ian Rankin books they are mostly set in Edinburgh. The Maltings used to be one of the pubs I would drink in while I was a student at Edinburgh Uni. I used to live across the road from The Blue Oyster which was transformed into the Cali sample room, mmmmm Cali 80. Then in my final year I lived about a stones throw away from The Physician and Frikin. My flat mate used to give directions using pubs as landmarks.

Communitech looks like it is down

I can’t get into to my site Projectphotos.com or www.allura.net. So I guess they are hossed. Hmmm I can get into to their main web page but not any of the pages that might tell me what was going on. Ok I can still ssh into the box so something is working. Last access was 00:20 current time 10:34 by some twonk that was trying to get into my cgi-bin directory. This is site number 2 to go bye bye this week.