Now that is what I call rain

I just drove back from the cable place after returning my old cable modem. I don’t think I have ever seen so much rain coming down. At one point I couldn’t drive more than 20 miles per hour because of the water on the road and the rain coming down. I normally don’t have a river running outside my front door. GAAABOOOOM there is another strike of lightening just outside my house

Robbie Schaefer Rocks

I just got back from Jammin’ Java where Robbie played 3 sets well 2 plus a very very long encore. It is probably easier to say what he didn’t play than what he did play. However he did play my favorite song 20,000 Hearts and also Stupid American. I remember the first year I spent in DC I couldn’t afford to go home for Christmas. For New Year so I went to a large party in DC that included an open bar. After getting there I discovered that Eddie from Ohio were playing there as well. So I went up in a very drunken state and requested Stupid American. The friend I was with was very impressed when Julie announced this one is for Ian from Scotland. Normally Julie sings the lead vocals so it was really fun to hear Robbie sing it solo. I was also amazed by Jammin’ Java. I can’t believe such a wonderful place is right on my door step in Vienna. Check a live act there if you get a chance the sound quality is excellent

The thunderstorms are here πŸ™‚ I love lightening.. I have been wanting to take photos of lightening for a long long time. The last time I did it successfully was when I was about 14. I am not even sure where the negatives are.

Geek Stuff:
In the last hour there has been 20 hits on my firewall on port 80. I guess its the Code Red Virus. Most of them are from 66.61 which is road runner in my area

Yeeks I need to do something other than watch TV. I am sitting watching the simpsons. I have a Tivo that I haven’t been taming for the last week or so. Now I have about 20 episodes of the simpsons sitting on it waiting for me. When I lived in Scotland the simpsons weren’t showing on any of the 4 broadcast channels and we didn’t have cable or satallite. So I only ever saw the simpsons was when I ate dinner at the KB student union. Since getting the Tivo my goal has been to watch every episode. I was doing well for a while since I had seen most of them already but they just started showing the really old ones πŸ™‚ I love the simpsons when Willy the grounds man turns to skinner and says “Thats the last time you’l slap your willy around”

Geek Stuff:
Oops, I think I might have upset RoadRunner, I came home and found that I couldn’t get an ip address from road runner on my firewall πŸ™ I wasted most of the night trying to work out if it was the new firmware I just loaded onto the firewall or something else. I tired getting an IP address using my laptop (worked), tried getting an ip address on my firewall from my internal networked (worked). I finally changed the MAC address on the firewall and BOOM it worked. Hmmm me thinks they banned my MAC address for some reason. Oh well I have an internet connection again so I can’t be bothered spending an other hour on the phone with them I will just wait a week and see what happens.

I got stumped by Circuit City last night. I went out to buy a cable modem since they were having a special on them. She scanned in cable modem and then asked me for my telephone number. I said “no”. she said, “I can’t continue unless you give me your telephone number”. I said “You have to be kidding”. She then said “do you have a work number I can use”, I gave her my works main number and then saw a nice list of people pop up on the screen of people who had done the same thing. Is it to much to expect that I don’t want to give out my telephone number. I mean I just wanted to buy something?