Yesterday evening was spent with HY, the original plan was to meet up with JW and others go see a friend who is acting in a play. But when I phoned him I got some girl on his cell phone. Turns out he was doing some more drinking with people from his boat house.
So instead we went to the Arlington Cinema and draft house to watch memento, $4 movies and Beer 🙂 thanks to for the idea.
Kind of funny about 10 people in front in the queue was a certain ex employee. There are 2 people I have zero interest in ever speaking to again. One is an old manager the other is this guy. I didn’t realize until we were already sitting that he was on the row behind. Just as well I checked before saying anything more :).
As far as the movie goes all I can say is
I am confused
After words we went back to my place and talked till about 3 am 😉

3 thoughts on “”

  1. I have never been to the “drafthouse”

    Although it is right up the street. Part of the reason is beacuse i could never see where the hell you park! LOL

    How was it, worth it?

  2. Yes it is worth it. I parked on the street close by. I am not sure if they have any parking of their own. They also show films that are a little older that you might have missed the first time. It is also the only place I know that I can watch a film and drink.

  3. yeah.. i that is what i was thinking.. but it isnt close to the metro.. so I hate the thought of going and being designated driver…


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