7 thoughts on “”

  1. Um, should I?


    My friend Called me from Mitre today, he was in Texas training on newer version of some software.

    I had him pull up your website and he says you are definately “geeky” LOL Anyways, He doesnt think they need any systems adminstrators but he is going to do a little browsing and see if all departments are full up.

    He said in teh meantime to check out Government Contracts… that he knows some of them are looking for people right now.

    (ie: Lockhead Martin, TRW, etc.)

    As for Lawyer… waiting on a call back… Hopefully tomorrow… although I dont think that will help you?! Will it?

    Good Luck.. as soon as my friend Emails me I will let you know

  2. I am going to stay in the DC area and get very bored, then go to a friends and try my hand at some cooking and drinking. The second part should be stressed and double underlined. BTW Alan Cox is number 2 in charge of linux.

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