For all you geeks out there. I have added wish list functionality to This is for my personal use more than anything else. I like the idea of the wish list but I can’t mix and match things from other websites so I wrote my own. Mine is online at

If you would like to create a wish list for your self then create an account on then drop me an email and I will tell you what your user_id is so that you can access it.

The Certicom ECCp-109 challenge,first posed in 1997, was solved by the Notre Dam team using a network of 10,000 computers (mostly PCs) running 24 hours a day for 549 days. $8,000 of their $10,000 prize money was donated to the Free Software Foundation.

That is a shit load of computing power. I wonder how is compares to a sun E15K

Beth and Sabrina were adopted tonight while I was helping out at the cat shelter. So that just means that Flannel is left from the cats that were there when I started 3 weeks ago. Out of 10 cages, only 3 cats were the same as last week, so a lot of them are being adopted out which is good.