Spam count weekending
2003 11 25 3019
2003 11 19 2496
2003 11 12 1892
2003 10 31 1347
2003 10 25 1312
2003 10 19 1143
2003 10 12 1010
2003 10 05 811
2003 09 29 769

These number will be a little screwed because on Oct 19th I reinstalled spam assassin, but I is this a horrible amount of spam. Other than deleting it I am not sure what I can do.

I think my mail system is a little more sane now. I switched from sendmail to postfix a while back and I never had the time to get it working in the same way. I discovered at one point that I had been bouncing all email for my projectphotos domain. oops. At the time I put in a hack to make it work but now I think I have almost everything working.

All mail from my internal machines should be written to
I found the entry that was rewriting localhost to instead of It now rewrites localhost host to which then gets rewritten to on delivery.

Mail bounces by fetchmail now come from instead of fetchmail@internaldomain.

The one thing I have left to do is to find a way to bounce email to users that I no nolonger wish to get mail from. Currently you would get 2 emails from fetchmail. I would prefer that postfix sends just one email.

Interesting, I looked at the MD ad online for best buy and they have the lion king for 13.99 but I saw a VA ad yesterday and it was for 11.99. I changed the zip on the web page and yes VA is 11.99 online and 13.99 in MD. How strange.

I need to look at my personal email account. I just deleted 2000 spam messages, this dates from the first of the month. This account has a keyword filter on it, if you are not in my address book or have the keyword in the subject then it gets bounced back to the user. If it is classed as spam then it goes straight into my junk folder.