Day 4 Photos

Beijing National Theatre

We made a special trip to the Beijing National Theatre to take some sunset photos. The sunset was a little disappointing but I did take some photos to try out with HDR, I haven’t bought a copy yet which means I get the watermark

HDR Beijing National Theatre
HDR Beijing National Theatre

Here is are some unprocessed ones

Beijing National Theatre
Beijing National Theatre

Beijing National Threatre

Beijing National Threatre

This Chinese girl came up to me and asked in good english, “can you take my photo” I couldn’t work out how to use her grandmothers cellphone, so while HY looked at it’s chinese menus I took this photo. Turns out she had been learning english since she was very young and her english is definitely far superior to my chinese and she was there to listen to a concert.

The Great Hall of the People
The Great Hall of the People

Giant TV at ‘The Place’ shopping area

I am not quiet sure what the point of this giant jumbo screen is other than to make you go woah. The shopping area is called the “The Place”

The Place
The Place
The Place
The Place

One thing I wasn’t really expecting in Beijing was the amount of neon signs and the number of TV’s, you see all round the city they have them on the streets and in the buses and trams, and in the metro stations.

Birthday Photos

So what does a beer drinker do on his birthday in Beijing China. He drinks beer, and good beer at that. We were are the Kro’s Nest next to workers stadium. The beer was good but the pizza was average at best, soggy crust, lack of toppings other than cheese and tomato sauce.

From Left to right, Brooklyn Pale Ale, Brooklyn Brown, Rogue Brutal Bitter, Brooklyn Lager, Rogue Dead Guy Ale.

Each bottle has its own label translated on the back. We tried to save them but they were too well glued.

Beijing Day 1 Photos

Well, technically only the first photo is from day one, but day one was almost a right off due to travel and time zone changes.

CCTV building from Hongying\'s parents house
CCTV building from Hongying's parents house
Morning Market Beijing
Morning Market Beijing
Morning Market
Morning Market
Dashanla Street Beijing
Dashanla Street Beijing
Tiananem Square
Tiananem Square
Olympic Display at Tianamen Square
Olympic Display at Tianamen Square
Hongying at Beijing National Theatre
Hongying at Beijing National Theatre
National Grand Threater
National Grand Threater

Passport Photos on the cheap

Since I always seem to be needing passport photos I thought I would see if there is a cheaper way of doing it rather than going into a camera shop. The last time I did it they used a digital camera and printed them off in house, the rub is they charged me almost $7 for for this. This time I got a co worker to take the photo, a quick online search and I came up with where they crop and format your photo to give you a 4×6 jpeg with 6 photos for free. A few minutes later I have uploaded the jpg to Ritz Camera and I am about to go grab the picture. Total cost $0.22. That sure beats the $8 they would have charged me if I went into the shop and asked them to do it.