Missing Episodes on Netflix Instant Watch

I have been using the Netflix Instant watch feature on TIVO and loving it with the exception of some TV show seasons are missing episodes.

For example
Quantum Leap: Season 1, missing: Genesis (Part 1),Genesis (Part 2), Star-Crossed
Quantum Leap: Season 2, missing: Disco Inferno, Good Night, Dear Heart, Pool Hall Blues
Quantum Leap: Season 3, missing: Leap of Faith, One Strobe Over the Line, Rebel Without a Clue, A Little Miracle, Private Dancer,Heart of a Champion,Nuclear Family
Dead Like Me: Season 1, missing: Vacation, Rest in Peace
Dead Like Me: Season 2, missing: Send in the Clown, Ghost Story, The Shallow End, Hurry, Always
Little Britain: Series 1, missing: How to Make a Little Britain,What Does Britain Mean to You

For those episodes I get the message

“Some episodes of this series are available only on disc.
Click the add button next to an episode to add its disc to your Queue”

Anyone know why? my first guess was that the episodes were airing somewhere, but I can’t find any tv listings for Dead to Me, so that kicks that idea to the curb.

Any ideas?

Another Vmserver 2.0 gotcha

Why change something thing when it aint broke?

I used to be able to run vmware-cmd to start and stop vmware server 1.0 vm’s from the command line it was a simple sort of.

bash# vmware-cmd /usr/local/vm/vm/vm.vmx start

Now is Vmware Server 2.0 I have to do

vmrun -p [password] -u [username] -T server -h https://localhost:8333/sdk start "[storage] vm/vm.vmx"

simple right? oh and you are forced to put your password in the command line which will be saved in bash history and to anyone who can run ps on the sever. I was really hoping that it would follow the mysql convention and prompt for a password, but I guess not

Thanks for the upgrade VMware, you just made the world less secure.

Finaly got sick of the space.live.com spam

I have been getting a lot of spam recently and I spent last weekend cleaning my mail relays so I have complete control over my primary and secondary for all my domains. That didn’t solve my problems so today I added the following to my spamassassin rule sets in /etc/spamassassin/local.cf

header LOCAL_MEDIACOMM_MUA X-Mailer =~ /Mediacomm Communicator/
describe LOCAL_MEDIACOMM_MUA Sent from Mediacomm Communicator MUA

header LOCAL_BAT_MUA X-Mailer =~ /The Bat!/
score LOCAL_BAT_MUA 0.1
describe LOCAL_BAT_MUA Sent from The Bat!

uri LOCAL_URI_SPACES_LIVE /spaces\.live\.com/
describe LOCAL_URI_SPACES_LIVE contains link to spaces.live.com

describe LOCAL_SPACES_MEDIACOMM contains link to spaces.live.com and Mediacomm MUA

describe LOCAL_SPACES_BAT contains link to spaces.live.com and BAT

Hopefully that will catch the spam for the moment.

Nikon and GPS

I have been interested in tagging my photos with gps data and Nikon just released their GP-1 gps unit, but is geotagging your photos really worth $240? The competition seems to be the di-gps pro which comes in at $313 with shipping. It would be nice if I could reuse my bluetooth gps unit I use in the car, but a Bluetooth adapter is $249. Maybe a christmas gift for someone who has everything, but I think I will skip for the moment.