Author: Google Reader
Daughters an occupational hazard for actors
This came in in a feed for Billy Connolly, It is talking about the fact actors tend to have girls more that boys because of there hi stress jobs. Daughters an occupational hazard for actors
Billy Connolly doesn't give a fig for all the theories. "I'm just over the moon with my three daughters by Pamela (wife Pamela Stephenson),"
Jeremy Kipnis sez dream home theater can be had for $60,000Engadget HD
Filed under: DIY, Cables, Displays, Other hardware, Players, Receivers, Recorders, Set-top boxes, Speakers
We know, not just anyone can afford to drop $6 million on a new home theater (not to mention a new home to house it in), but the mastermind of the utterly extravagant Kipnis Studio Standard has reportedly suggested that folks need only spend one percent of that in order to enjoy the same HT bliss (almost). For just $60,000, Mr. Kipnis suggests that movie aficionados can enjoy a top shelf home theater experience, and curiously enough, he doesn’t even make mention of exactly what brands / models are needed (save for the pricey JVC DLA-RS2 projector). Instead, he lays out a laundry list of guidelines that primarily deal with placement and arrangement. Curious to know more? Tag the read link below — just don’t be too surprised to see that most of the work is still on you (including keeping things within budget).
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