Blade Runner at the Uptown

If you are a blade runner fan I recommend seeing “Blade Runner, the final cut” at the uptown in DC. The story hasn’t been altered much but they have cleaned up the sound and visuals. I read that they re-shot a scene so you see the real actress running through the glass rather than a stunt double. This was the best version of blade runner I have ever seen and the Uptowns super wide screen was very cool.

Weekend Activities

Saturday was a fun day, started at the SPBW Real Ale Festival at the wharf rat. I posted my beer list from the Real Ale Festival at the Wharf Rat on Then we went to an Indian engagement party. I don’t think I have ever seen so many Mercedes in one parking lot. On Sunday I was complaining about about having a sore back. It took me a while to work out that it was from all the beer I was pouring on saturday. Before you say anything I was a volunteer pouring samples from 4 different casks. Just not used to bending over and turning the tap.

Moving dsl lines

My dsl line is being moved tomorrow so my web server and email server will be shutdown some time to night. If you need something from me call my cell phone as I wont have email up and running till tomorrow night.

Baltimore Real Ale Festival

I have been going to this for a number of years, great fun and not to be missed

The Society for the Preservation of Beer from Wood is holding its annual Chesapeake Real Ale Festival!

“The Region’s Premier Real Ale Event”

Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Wharf Rat at Camden Yards
206 W. Pratt St, Baltimore

Tickets are $25 in advance, $35 at the door

More information at


For those who know where I work and have read the news today will know that there has been a reduction in force. I wasn’t one of them but the group and department I work in was affected. Most people seem to be taking it well, and all things considered its not a bad time to be looking for a new job. I wish them all the best and good luck in the future.

Bike Night

I help out at a community bike shop in Arlington. Colin sent out the following

I mentioned this in the last Phoenix Bikes newsletter, but just wanted to
give a few people a reminder that tonight we are starting a new project at
the shop – Shop Night for volunteers.
Jonathan Ferree is helping head up this weekly bike build for volunteers.
From 7 – 9 pm every Tuesday we’ll be working on bikes, shop improvements,
and just hanging out.
Should be fun – and you don’t need bike knowledge to join. Just a
willingness to learn and a set of clothes that you don’t mind getting a
little greasy.
The more the merrier, so pass on the word, and I hope to see you sometime

Phoenix Bikes
Barcroft Park
4100 S. Four Mile Run Drive
Arlington, VA
(703) 575-7762
c: (202) 494-9553

We’re in

We managed to squeeze all my stuff in storage and 98% of the stuff in the apartment into a 16 foot Penske Truck. A Big thank you to all our friends who helped out and especially to Dave for bringing the beer. It has taken a couple days but both cats are starting to explore to house now. Sarah came by the bedroom this morning at 6am to make her presence known. Curry finally came out of the basement and started exploring the house this morning so I think things are good.


How am I going to survive? We are moving everything this weekend but I haven’t set up cable or internet yet. The DSL line is scheduled to be provisioned on the 14, not that they are actually going to hook it up just connect the cables between the house and CO. So it will probably be a little longer before that happens. I also haven’t done anything about TV. I still haven’t decided on if I should get directv installed, have fios installed or get cox. I would normally say get directv, but my HD directv tivo wont get the new HD channels and I bought a HD series 3 tivo a while back which doesn’t work with directv. I am probably going to follow the path of least resistance and get a couple cable cards for cox, and use them there special offer ends. Decisions Decisions.