Its amazing how much attention a piece of string attached to the roof will get from Sarah. She is running a pouncing on it, now she is trying to pull it down. Go Girl Kill that bad piece of string 🙂

Should I feel accomplished?
I reconciled 4 months worth of credit card statements.
I posted 740 ish photos on
I cleaned the kitchen (sort of) I am in need a of a paper recycling day so I can empty the recycling bin
I bought a smoke alarm to replace the one that doesn’t seem to be working.
I did 2 loads of washing
I planted flowers in my garden. I Now have 4 hardy pansies, 2 chrysanthemum’s, 4 dianthus and 20 daffodils bulbs. So we will see if the squirrels get the bulbs.
I finished reading the first harry potter book.

I didn’t finish my filling,
I didn’t clean the house, well I did a little tidying
I didn’t pay the bills that have been in my bag for a week
I didn’t put the snortui code on sourceforge.

Geek stuff

The tivo is in pieces at the moment. Sounds like the 45 gig western digital drive is the one that is dying. I will give it some time to cool down then try and dupe it. The drive was manufactured in sept 2000. So this drive is almost 4 years old. Man it must have been expensive when I bought it. It only has a 3 year warranty so I needed to buy a new hard disk anyway. I ended up getting a Seagate 80 gig for $39 after mail in rebates. It was $89 before rebates.

Mmm I smell a bug

We did it again and the same thing happened,” said Darren Chesin, a consultant to the state Senate elections and reapportionment committee. “The problem was not with the paper trail. The paper trail worked flawlessly, but it caught a mistake in the programming of the touch-screen machine itself. For some reason it would not record or display the votes on the Spanish ballot for these two ballot measures. The only reason we even caught it was because we were looking at the paper trail to verify it.,2645,64569,00.html

This is why we wanted paper trails in the first place. Hell the UK still uses paper for its votes and that seems to work,