From Washington Post

Current federal law requires that when telemarketers make sales calls, they state their name, the company they represent, that they are calling to sell something, and how they can be reached if the consumer wants to cancel the order or complain. The rules forbid calling residences before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. And telemarketing firms must maintain a do-not-call list of those consumers who ask to be added to it. Anyone who documents telemarketers violating these rules can take legal action.

I went to Baltimore this afternoon for some apartment research. I came back really bummed. Some places I went to were horrible some were over priced. Mostly the thing that bummed me about was parking for my car. I will have to pay for a parking spot on top of rent. Also Baltimore city doesn’t have cable modems yet (need to double check that). It also seems that in the city center isn’t suffering the same way that Fairfax is for people moving out of rentals so there isn’t a lot of empty apartments πŸ™

I haven’t done a huge amount of ture geek stuff recently. Today is the exception. I got my web server to work with HTTPS. I have been means to do this for a while. I am now trying to get my imap server to run over https as well, I tried this a little while back but it didn’t work so I figured I must have screwed something up compiling the package, but today I realised that it is the precompiled package that comes with suse linux that is screwed up so I am now compiling it for my self. (You guys all know what compiling is right?? hint is creating binary file from the text that contains the program information)
update: I now have imap working over ssl πŸ™‚ I have one little niggle that I need to resolve but it is working.