For future reference.
Install ubuntu
Download vmware server.tgz
Download vmware client.tgz
install the needed packages

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential g++-3.4
sudo apt-get install xinet
cd vmware-server-distrib/
sudo ./

cd vmware-console-distrib/

sudo ./

Some mornings I wake up wondering if I am truly a geek. I spent most of last night trying to work out why internet explorer wouldn’t open email attachments and then open word to view it.

Then I look at my computer collection
1) webserver with a
2) vmware instance running asterisk
3) file server with 3×120 gig hard drives running in raid
4) Two email servers running
5) firewall with 5 nic ports
6) at least 3 network drops in every room
7) HD tivo that I can telnet into
8) main computer has 2 17inch flats

Am I geek, or someone pretending to be one.

This blows my mind

This was from a link on Cnet

Note: if you did not see the blinking text above, it means that your browser is not compliant with the Web 2.1 standards. An easy way of checking whether your browser is standards compliant is to check whether the installation files for your browser were smaller than 50MB, or the run-time memory usage is less than 300MB. If this is the case, you should download a more recent browser to get the full Web 2.1 experience.

Why the fuck would I want a browser that takes up more then 300 MB in run time thats just crazy talk.
Firefox Mem Usage 60 Meg, Virtual Mem size (50 Meg)

Then again these guys are recreating the bink tag.

I don’t know if you guys have seen the ATT ad that feature KITT ( ) . The one thing that got me curious was the VA state inspection and Decal in the window. I did a little googling and came up with this

It turns out the car is a replica someone built

There seems to be a whole load of people building replicas