
The Washington Post has a story talking about a 6 year old kid who was reported for sexually harassing a first-grade classmate. He slapped her bum. The police were even called. Then you read

The Virginia Department of Education reported that 255 elementary students were suspended last year for offensive sexual touching, or “improper physical contact against a student.” In Maryland, 166 elementary school children were suspended last year for sexual harassment, including three preschoolers, 16 kindergartners and 22 first-graders, according to the State Department of Education. Statistics for the District were not available.

I mean 3 preschoolers and 16 kindergarten students where suspended. I understand that there extreme things that shouldn’t happen at school but kids need to learn how to interact with other kids and if they are constantly told that anything an adult preserves as sexual is wrong then we will grow up with a generation of kids who can’t interact with each other and form healthy relationships.

Where am i

I haven’t posted here for a while. I switching from using live journal as my rss aggregator to reader.google.com, so haven’t been on live journal as much. I also wanted a little more control over my blog, especially being able to view the logs so all my new entries are going to www.imacdonald.co.uk. I orginally thought I would do public type posts to imacdonald.co.uk and private stuff to livejournal, but that doesn’t seem to worked out that way.

So I figured I would do a post here to let people know I have moved. There is an rss feed available at https://www.imacdonald.co.uk/rss if you if you are using google reader or something similar.

Shock horror

The metro car next station sign is working and actually shows the next station. I haven’t seen this since they introduced the new style cars a few years back.

what a pity I can’t actually read it since it is being blocked by the grab rail.