“The Oxford bar was busy when Rebus arrived. He’d already had one drink at the Maltings, leaving before the evening influx of student, and two drinks at Swany’s on Causewayside.” Ian Rankin, Set in Darkness.
Its fun reading Ian Rankin books they are mostly set in Edinburgh. The Maltings used to be one of the pubs I would drink in while I was a student at Edinburgh Uni. I used to live across the road from The Blue Oyster which was transformed into the Cali sample room, mmmmm Cali 80. Then in my final year I lived about a stones throw away from The Physician and Frikin. My flat mate used to give directions using pubs as landmarks.

Communitech looks like it is down

I can’t get into to my site Projectphotos.com or www.allura.net. So I guess they are hossed. Hmmm I can get into to their main web page but not any of the pages that might tell me what was going on. Ok I can still ssh into the box so something is working. Last access was 00:20 current time 10:34 by some twonk that was trying to get into my cgi-bin directory. This is site number 2 to go bye bye this week.

Now that is what I call rain

I just drove back from the cable place after returning my old cable modem. I don’t think I have ever seen so much rain coming down. At one point I couldn’t drive more than 20 miles per hour because of the water on the road and the rain coming down. I normally don’t have a river running outside my front door. GAAABOOOOM there is another strike of lightening just outside my house

Robbie Schaefer Rocks

I just got back from Jammin’ Java where Robbie played 3 sets well 2 plus a very very long encore. It is probably easier to say what he didn’t play than what he did play. However he did play my favorite song 20,000 Hearts and also Stupid American. I remember the first year I spent in DC I couldn’t afford to go home for Christmas. For New Year so I went to a large party in DC that included an open bar. After getting there I discovered that Eddie from Ohio were playing there as well. So I went up in a very drunken state and requested Stupid American. The friend I was with was very impressed when Julie announced this one is for Ian from Scotland. Normally Julie sings the lead vocals so it was really fun to hear Robbie sing it solo. I was also amazed by Jammin’ Java. I can’t believe such a wonderful place is right on my door step in Vienna. Check a live act there if you get a chance the sound quality is excellent

The thunderstorms are here 🙂 I love lightening.. I have been wanting to take photos of lightening for a long long time. The last time I did it successfully was when I was about 14. I am not even sure where the negatives are.