Its Friday WoooHoooo!

I can’t belive the week has been going so fast. Before I know it, it will be Christmas. I some times look back and wonder what have I done with the 4 years I have spent in the US. I think of Edinburgh, Scotland as my home, but I only spent 4 years at University there. Should I now consider D.C. as my home since soon I will have spent more time living in D.C. than I did in Edinburgh?

Movies at NIH

I am going to see Saturday Night Fever tonight at the NIH. I just checked the web site and it has this note at the top “The Saturday Night Fever print we received from the studio is Rated R. We have removed some scenes, however, there is strong graphic language in this movie, which may not be appropriate for children.”
All I can say is COOL!


I went home for lunch today so I could phone my granny and wish her happy birthday, but I left my address book at work so I had to phone my parents first. It turns out today is my sisters last day at work. She is planning on moving to Brazil at some point in the future.
While talking to my Granny we got talking about the movies I saw on the mall. It turns out she saw the Maltese Falcon in 1943 in London. She was working for a month in London during the war. I wish I could record these conversations because my memory is very bad about details. I might try and take notes next time I phone her.
This is a picture of my Granny, Sister and Mum from Christmas

Thunder again

Ok so I am not going to get any sleep for a little while. FLASH one thousand. two thousand, three thousand BANG.

I saw American Pie 2 tonight. It made me laugh but the story just sucked, way to many things going on, they should have just stuck to one or two things or I don’t know, had a start a middle and an ending?

I went to go look at a house today.

Cool the power just went out, I hear the file server going beep as it reboots….

I spent quite a long time looking for the house, how should I know that 29 crosses I66 twice. While hunting for the road where I needed to make a left turn I went passed the Manassas battle fields where some Confederate soldiers were reenacting battle maneuvers. I stopped and took some photos, but they are with real film so it will be a little time before I get them back. It was fun just stumbling onto something like that.

The thunder seems to have stopped, maybe I should go back to bed……

Strange emails

I just read post about Stupid emails and it reminded me of an email I got the other day for from someone in India

We at Companyname would wish to utilise your products on a regular basis and hence request your goodselves to kindly send us the complete details of all your products and services by sending us your complete brochures and samplers CDs etc. if any, along with the complete details i.e. price lists for varied Image CDs in different categories at the earliest and oblige.

The email goes on in a similar fashion. and finishes

Awaiting a favourable response Looking forward to a long and fruitful
association. In the meantime thanking you in anticipation, we remain,

I don’t sell the photos on Projectphotos so I am not quite sure what to do with the email. It sat in my inbox for a few days then I let it slip into the read folder……

Cooking, what me !!!!

Ok I started with pizza dough for pizza tomorrow then I thought I would try scones again, last time they failed horribly this time wasn’t much better I burnt them 🙁 but the mushroom soup was excellent 🙂 I am still eating it at the moment

Todays bike ride

Distance: 28.92 miles,
Ride time: 2:25:42
Avg speed: 11.9
Max 29 miles per hour
Total miles: 595
The real total miles is a lot higher, but I changed odometers a while back and the new one wouldn’t let me bump the millage. I found the old one but the battery was dead so I guess I will never know the total miles. Its somewhere in the range of 2000 miles

Maybe I should say where I went, Gallows Road to Wo&D trail, to curtis trail to the Mall in Washington DC. 🙂