
The Register is reporting on a blog entry at Symantec about a host they found logging into using stolen recruiter credentials. The application then dumps presonal data such as name, surname, email address, home address, phone numbers to a report server controlled by the attackers.

I saw new spam today that is asking you to log into a recruiting database. I deleted them before investigating further. Perhaps they are realted?

Glad I didn’t install the Treo 700p Update

I saw the update as soon as it came out, but I was busy that week so held off to see how others faired on Looks like I made a good choice as there were a number of people complaining about connectivity issues. Now Palm has pulled the 700p update for Verizon Hopefully the next version will fix all the issues mentioned in the forum.

Sky Meadows Hike

We went hiking at Sky Meadows State Park in Virginia.

Here are the Google Earth links, I forgot to switch off the GPS when I went into the gift shop which explains the Long straight line on top right. I was able to edit it out of the Google Map, but I don’t know how to do it on Google Earth yet.

Google Earth
Google Earth USGS topo map overlay
Open the first link then click on the second link to get to the topographic overlay.

Shock horror

The metro car next station sign is working and actually shows the next station. I haven’t seen this since they introduced the new style cars a few years back.

what a pity I can’t actually read it since it is being blocked by the grab rail.