No more 8% beer

Please remind me never to drink 8% beer again. I started the night we Clipper City Loose Cannon (7.5%). This was a surprising nice beer. It is described as having 3 pounds of hops per barrel and was hopped 3 ways, in the kettle, in the hop back, and dry hopped. Then I moved on to Harviestoun Brewery’s Old Engine Oil. This is listed on some web sites as being 6% but I think it was slightly higher than that. It is brewed in scotland and is dark beer and I mean heavy beer and aged in whiskey casks for 6 months . If you were to think engine oil you would be close. The first taste is a surprise and hits you hard. They only sold this by the half pint and after the shock of the first sip it really went down well. The final beer for Lancaster Brewery’s Doppel Bock. I think it was an 8%. This was the one that killed me and it was just an average dark beer. if you see it buy a sampler before drinking a full pint. So I admit it I got drunk on 2 1/2 pints of beer. but they were 20oz Glasses. For the non beer drinker miller lite is 4.2% and sold in 12oz bottles. Wine is between 9 and 14%


Just watched “The Falls” episode of Rebus. I am guessing that “the Falls” aired first, not sure if I just missed it when it first aired on BBCA. It opened with dc clark introducing her self and saying “we met yesterday” which is really strange since the two characters feel like they have known each other for a long time. I am still disturbed by the fact that rebus supports Hibs. It showed the more angry side, hinted at the drinks to much side, and hints at the fact that rebus bends the rules.
I still think the pace is a little slow.
Strange to see in the inside of Easter Road. Its changed a lot since I last worked there.

I am a little scared to check, but I got a new graphics card today and it has fixed my flickering screen on my 17inch flats. I originally bought the 2 17inch flats because the 2 17inch CRTs were flickering and I was at the point where I couldn’t use the computer. Then I started noticing that the flats were still flickering. I flipped on of the flats to the DVI cable and I got a perfect picture. So I thought that I needed to get a graphics card with 2 DVI connections. Then today I was in best buy and I saw a graphics card with 2 VGA connectors and I thought what the hell, if it doesn’t make any difference then I can just take it back. So now i have a rock steady picture on both flats and I am wondering if they 2 CRTS would work perfectly on it.

Oh well at least I get more desk space with the Flats.

I am still running my Asterisk server. I now have even have a number in the UK. The interesting part is it is actually cheaper for my parents to call me on my cellphone in the US using tesco as their long distance provider than it is for them to use this my voip number in the UK. In fact it is cheaper for my parent to call me then it is for me to call them. Tesco offers 4p a min to the US. My voip number in is considered a national access number so it is about 10p a min to call it. The calling card i use for calling the UK is 10 cents a min plus $2 a month service charge.

I am still waiting on my sipura 3000 and my sipura 2002 to show up, I was cheap and paid for ground shipping. Ground is great if they are shipping from the East Coast, but this is coming from CA. So I am just imagining a large truck driving from the west coast to the east coast.

I didn’t realize this till last week, the server is called asterisk as in * rather than Asterix who was a character in a children’s book. oops

I think the most infuriating part is that they have fixed web folders so you can connect to a webdav folder over the internet using https. So I now have a folder I can save stuff to and share with other people if needed. But they broke the ability to subscribe to to an ical calendar over https. Someone needs to look at sharing the same code base for webdav functionality.