Mmm, just ordered a new computer. Its going to be my web server. The Sun Sparc Ultra 5 had a crapy hard disk controller I was also getting what I think were I/O errors from it. I replaced it with a mini itx box that I wasn’t using because it kept crashing. I gave it another chance and it currently crashes about once every 2 – 3 weeks. So I have ordered a Dell cheap as a possible computer. The only compromise I made was a dvd drive for an extra $16. Total cost was about $335 with a 2.4 celeron and 256 meg of ram. This should serve as a nice web server and hopefully it wont crash. I thought really hard about the mini mac, but the dell has more options for things I might want to do. Mirrored hard disks being the first. Extra networking cards being the second.
The sad thing is that it will wipe the floor of my main file server which is a pentium 233 with 256 megs of ram.

Ha, that will teach someone to link to my photo and not give me a photo credit. The guy links to the photo on my website saying “I saw this somewhere…” so I just added a caption to the photo to make sure everyone else knows who took it. I hadn’t set up the script to caption photos from my digital so I posted it on Baltimore_City with out the caption.

For those that haven’t seen this

Fixed a couple more issues with snortui. I need to do some more testing tomorrow before releasing a build but I am hopeful. I had to extend the TIMEZONE length setting in the headers of barnyard since %z in strftime was outputting “EASTERN STANDARD TIME” instead of “EST” as expected so the string was being truncated and causing some errors. At least it wasn’t my code this time that was broken. I will need to look at the man pages for unix to see what it does on linux. Not that this makes any difference with mysql since it doesn’t honor timezones at the of a datetime string. I should probably have a look at postgress and msssql to see if it makes any difference on those platforms.
I also fixed an issues that appeared when running the sensor code under windows. you nolonger have to edit the code on windows which is the way it should be.

Ok, Try taking a largish heavy ball and then then keep your arms out straight in front and draw the alphabet in capitals in the air. This was the lastest physio exercise that was added to the end of the list I have to do to for my shoulder injury. Man I had issues signing the credit card slip at the end.

Ok I think this is funny, on one level because I know I can’t spell on another that my chinese girlfriend missed this, but more so it looks like so many other people can’t spell either. I looked my web logs tonight and I noticed that a lot of people have been hitting my project photos site and viewing my photos from Trip to new york this time last year.

So i look through my logs and she this in the referal

then this

and this

I am getting 5-10 hits a day because of this.

Have you spotted my typo yet.