Busy busy busy, doctors appointment this morning, physical therapy this evening and i just finished posting all the article in this more Riverside Action Group news letter to the website Http://rag.iwasdot.com.

Friday I met up with 4 Ed Uni Alumni plus two staff from Edinburgh Uni. The general plan is to try and do a ceilidh. I changed the www.eduni-dc.org website to run geeklog which I like better than PostNuke. Saturday I went skiing at ski liberty and my legs are still sore.

For the second time in as many weeks I have been told I look like someone out of scrubs the tv show.

I had my first session of physical therapy tonight. Turns out it is in the Merrit Athletic gym in Canton. I get a free 30 day pass once I have finished the therapy. I also took a peek at the swimming pool. I will need to check to see the gym is covered under the new company fitness plan. If it is then I might consider joining just to use the pool.

I met up with some Ex strategy.com’er on Friday night spent most of saturday watching the snow fall then today I messed around with mailman on my server. For some reason it wants to run as the web user rather than the mailman user. Now I am sitting watching TV with the laptop balanced on my knees and my warm fuzzy cat lying on my lap with her head and a leg draped over my arm. I think she missed me while I was out of town for the weekend

geek stuff

worked on snortui today. I have finished playing with the database structure. I have created the idea of templates. This is a grouping of configuration settings. So for example when you upgrade to a new version of snort then you would create a new template group and load the settings into that group. I have added the ability to enter custom settings using the web front end. So now your only need one master conf file and the individual settings coming from the database.
I also fixed an issue with the file archiving on unix.
I need to update the install doc, fix the create.sql script then I should be able to publish a copy of the app on source forge.

two cat are chasing something around and another is looking on in interest. I am looking at a friends two cats. Sara is the one watching the other two guests spaz out. I found Kewi on top the cabinets in the kitchen earlier, but I think the two guests are starting to learn what “DOWN” means 🙂