Geek geek and more geek

I just finished reading an article about how they capture Monday night football in HD. Lots of tech talk in there but an interesting read.
I also discovered why my second ITX box wasn’t booting linux cleanly. I wrongly assumed that the hard disk would be configured as master out of the box, I guess it was cable select and plugged into the slave cable connector, just makes me want to go ARRRRGGG.
Loving the new TV that came on sunday. Mmmmm wide screen.
I went through about $20 worth of candy last night and need to hide the stuff that was left since I am sitting eating it all as I watch West wing.

Its 1:30 in the morning, I can’t sleep so I thougt I would distract my mind from work by reading livejournal. Some stuff happened today that I am not happy about. My biggest problem is that I don’t know how to make it better. I guess I could work more hours but I don’t think that is going to solve my problems since something will always come up that will fill the extra time. I could stop coding, but i have people asking for stuff I am working on right now plus I enjoy the feeling focussed concentration I get from coding. I made the comment today “I wish my green card would come through so I can say get stuff to this place”. The response I got was “Are you serious” It made me think. I have been at this job for almost 3 years and it was more frustration than anything else talking. I would also like to be able to explore other options. I wonder if the comment will be repeated to my boss. Man I wish I could just sleep and wake up feeling fresh and bouncy but I don’t.

Its amazing how much attention a piece of string attached to the roof will get from Sarah. She is running a pouncing on it, now she is trying to pull it down. Go Girl Kill that bad piece of string 🙂

Should I feel accomplished?
I reconciled 4 months worth of credit card statements.
I posted 740 ish photos on
I cleaned the kitchen (sort of) I am in need a of a paper recycling day so I can empty the recycling bin
I bought a smoke alarm to replace the one that doesn’t seem to be working.
I did 2 loads of washing
I planted flowers in my garden. I Now have 4 hardy pansies, 2 chrysanthemum’s, 4 dianthus and 20 daffodils bulbs. So we will see if the squirrels get the bulbs.
I finished reading the first harry potter book.

I didn’t finish my filling,
I didn’t clean the house, well I did a little tidying
I didn’t pay the bills that have been in my bag for a week
I didn’t put the snortui code on sourceforge.