looks like nasty credit card practices are moving to the uk. The same thing happened to me when I got my fleet fusion card. In order to get the 6 months interest free credit you needed to transfer a balance, which I did. I always pay off the balance in full, but if I bought anything after the balance was posted they would use the payment to pay off the new stuff not the cash advance. When I phoned they told me that they reserve the right to use the money I pay against any balance. They suggested paying off the card then not buying anything new for a month.

mildly productive day. I made an appointment to get my hair cut. Just a trim, I am not getting it cut short. I started my garden. I bought one red, one yellow and one orange dandelion like things (i managed to pick up three pots with out a name tag on them. 2 pink mini rose like things (I have the tags for those but they are outside and it is dark). The 3 dandelion like things are now in a large pot together and the 2 rose like things are in a window box that sits on my back porch.
I also put up a new glass shelf in the bathroom.
And finally I am about to put a usb 2.0 card in my desktop machine so I can download and upload music to my ipod.
For me this is a productive day.

All I heard was a crash as the cat jumps at the window. Then I see what she is chasing. I yellow bird is perched on the other side of the window looking straight into my bedroom. The cat pounces again. The bird doesn’t flinch, somehow knowing that there is a sheet of glass between it and my confused cat. This goes on for about a minute then the bird flies away.
I took some shots but I will have to wait for the film to be processed.
Sara is now looking out the window wondering where her new play toy went.

Geeking out today.
I bought a 30 day ssl certificate for iwasdot.com to test that I could get everything running. I now have imap over ssl, ssl over smtp and https running. I have 30 days to convert to full ssl cert.
I also saw spiderman 2 today at the uptown in DC. I seem to be running back and forward to DC even though HY isn’t living down there at the moment.