My cat can be cute some times, she is sitting on my lap and I have my laptop on my knees. Every so often she notices that I have a hair band thingy round my wrist and pings me by biting it and pulling then letting go. Then she goes back to resting her head on my wrist as I am typing this.

This is curious, the machine looks like it has hung, but the MP3’s are still playing. So that to me means the OS and Applications are still running but the graphics card/ui have hung. The song just finished and it didn’t go onto the next one, so I guess some interup handler has hung. It was working fine last night

Not impressed with turbo tax.
So far the machine crashed during install
It refused to import my taxes from Tax Cut last Year
The One-Click update wouldn’t work till I switched off prompt me for cookie.
I found out the last one through random luck, I had already tried the normal things, reboot, then uninstall, reinstall. Then I went to the website and noticed a huge number of cookies. So my brain start think…. I wonder if?
So lets see if it will import last years tax return after updating.

I am having a lazy weekend. I would have had long sleep in if a certain feline resident hadn’t insisted that I feed her at 8:30 in the morning. Note to self make sure the dish is full before going to bed when you don’t want to get up the next morning. I finished reading Prey by Michael Critchon. A very easy read. Similar plot line to the Andromeda Strain.
There is something very satisfying about finishing a book.

I converted my iPod to windows format (boo hiss). My laptop doesn’t hold a complete copy of all my songs. They normally live on iPod for on the move music or on the File server for home use. This made it hard to use Itunes when the mac latop wasn’t on my home network. So I put the ipod software and iTunes on my windows box and use that for syncing to my home mp3 collection.

I am wondering how long it will take to copy all the music back to my iPod since I don’t have USB 2.0 or firewire on my desktop machine.

I think the iPod reverted back to an old version of the firmware when it was converted to windows format. At least now I can swap it between windows and the Mac with out issues.