Wooo Hooo

Guess how I am connected to the internet? Go on.

Well OK.

From my cell phone.

While I was on the bus yesterday to new york I was thought “If I had my laptop and the right cables and shit I could post to live journal”

Well I started researching it this morning and found that it shouldn’t be that hard to do. I also found I could get a cable from Radio shack. So since about 5pm I have been trying to get it to work.
LG VX10 phone from Verizon
12 inch PowerBook from Apple running 12.3
FutureDial USB Cable for VX10.
Driver from RadioShackCableDriverPL2303.zip
Modem script from Verizon_Wireless_STD_Driver.hqx
and a ton of help from reading the maccellphone group on yahoo.

A reboot later and I am posting this.

I just saw the chocolate milk add where he scratches the bar code off. very funny.

I also saw the one for tampax, you know the one where they are in school and she passes a note to another girl asking one. The teacher catches her and asks if she brought one everyone in the class. The funny thing is that it ends with something like “So discrete that people won’t know what it is” Well we all (guys that is) know now cause we just saw it on TV.

I new roll of film is online at projectphotos.com. This was the roll I misplaced at a wedding I went to so it ended being missing the drop for all the other rolls. I have had the photos ready to go for about a week but just didn’t have time to put them online.

Any mac guru’s out there? I am sure the user I log into my apple with used to be in the ‘users’ group, but after upgrading to 10.3 it is in group ‘staff’. This is making it a pain to copy files from my laptop to the linux file server since the linux box thinks it is the cdrom group since ism.staff does not equal ism.users 🙁 Any ideas what will happen if I change my ism user back to group ‘users’.

I just discovered something, in safari if you click on the back button and hold it down and if allows you to jump back more than one page. I also read that it has issues with cookie security 🙁

I have a cat sitting on my chest as I type this, which is fine until I finish typing and need to go rescue my food from the microwave.

Well I think it is official the top story on CNN is not the bombing in Istanbul. I had a feeling that might be the case.

I think my cat is dreaming… Funny lot of tail twitching and ear movements.

Stupid me

I turned on tom CNN to see what the coverage is like on the news. Guess what I am watching, Michael fucking Jackson. Wait that might not be in the best of taste.

I was curious to see how the US media coverage compares to September 11th. If you look at the raw numbers it is 27 dead 450 injured verse 3,000 deaths on september 11th. I watched the BBC news on BBC america. The one thing that struck me was a joint interview with Bush and Blair. Blair is much better public speaker. I am waiting to see how it is shown on CNN if it is shown.

These attacks sadden me, my thoughts go out to anyone who lives or know people in Istanbul.