Annoying thing about computers #1223234

I have sound working on my file server again :). Downloaded and installed the latest Alsa sound drivers and it now work WOOPIE. I can now listen to MP3’s upstairs with out having to start another computer 🙂 The file server is on all the time. I can also freak out people by playing music loudly while I am not at home 😉

I am feeling productive. I finished (well to the point it works) a web gui for indexing and preping my pictures to go projectphotos. I also pushed a new front page out to the main web server that tells people about new pictures. it has some rough edges but it is working, and I uploaded 6 rolls of film that I have told myself I wasn’t going to put online till I finished the loading gui.

I think I have paid all my bills. Still haven’t got my parking pass for this month. need to go to the management office and get it, but that involves having a shower and doing something about clothes.

I want to go hiking tomorrow. I haven’t renewed my national park pass for this yet which point the fact I haven’t done much out doors this year.


New photos are online at You need a username and password to access the links, but its free just create one.

Smithsonian Folklife Festival: Scotland Panto
Smithsonian Folklife Festival: Scotland Singing Kettle
Smithsonian Folklife Festival: Scotland Fiddlers Bid
Smithsonian Folklife Festival: Scotland Dougie MacLean
Smithsonian Folklife Festival: Scotland ceilidh
Smithsonian Folklife Festival: Scotland Evening concert
Smithsonian Folklife Festival: After hours
Smithsonian Folklife Festival: Scotland Battlefield Band
Smithsonian Folklife Festival: The Mall
Smithsonian Folklife Festival: Scotland Brain McNeill
Smithsonian Folklife Festival: Scotland Mitchelson Brothers
Massachusetts: Lakeville

I took a lot more photos for the Smithsonian, but never got access to the negatives and they are copyright Smithonian so I am not sure if i could put them online even if I had the negatives.

I am having a a horrible dream. All my computers are being wiped and reinstalled on Sunday. Oh wait that really is happening and I am still at work copying all my person al files to a 120 Gig hard drive for safe keeping.

I am watching flash gordon from my tivo. Man this must have been shown late at night
first an ad for casual date line then another for 1 8000 333 girl, then real local girls. 1800 7000 hot. Funny

and another lightening shot. not very impressive
and another. slightly better but not in the center of the picture, dam it why can’t it just come down in the middle of the picture