Mmm saturday mornings

I am working on cleaning up some of the code behind projectphotos. As I hoped it fairly easy to get the code running on OSX. Mysql is installed, perl came with OSX so all I needed was a few perl modules. The hardest part was waiting for the dev tools to download from apple so I could run cvs and download the code to my laptop.

I haven’t done any shopping for ages part laziness part forcing my self to eat things I have in the freezer before buying more junk food.

So when it rolled round to 12:30 and wasn’t able to concentrate on what function does what. I packed up my laptop and the charger and walked down to the street to Kiss Cafe If anyone feel free to drop by and say hello.

I think i am in a music war. I just bought 4 beatles CD’s and they are now ripped and playing on my MP3 server downstairs. My apartment is one of those loft styles that I can hear everything downstairs, but with in minutes of starting the MP3 player I can hear bu-boom bu-boom that is out of sync with my song. I don’t think my player is very loud. I have turned down the bass to be nice to my neighbors

Things are coming together (at least in geekdom they are). The 256MB of ram I bought on ebay is now installed in my sun Ultra 5. I also found a 15 gig hard drive that used to be in my TIVO and dropped that into the box. The extra 256 meg really made a difference and Solaris is almost usable now. I have a dual port ethernet card coming some time this week that will hopefully work in my firewall. If it does then I will have an outside, dmz and inside segment in my appartment. The wrieless box and the sun box are going into the DMZ. The sun box is currently running an ftp server. Once I am done it will have a web server, maybe dns, email server and a Real media server on it. I should proably run a dhcp server for the wireless network.
You might be asking your self why? my answer why not. Seriously the sun box is a learning tool. I seem to spend a large amount of time googling newsgroups looking for answers on how to do something. At a high level it is very similar to linux. At a low level it is all very different. It took me 30 mins reading to work out how to partition, format and mount the new hard drive.
New media mini-itx I bought is a bit of a let down. The latest alsa sound drivers give a lot of static when playing music but the ones that come with Suse 8.1 seem to work well, but the kernel that comes with Suse doesn’t have the support for hard disk controller so I can’t use DMA (aka fast hard disk transfers) which means I can’t play DVD’s on it. So I guess i will have to wait a little bit until the drivers get sorted out. Right now it can play MP3’s display pictures on the TV and play internet radio streams so it is doing almost everything I wanted it to do.
If you use KDE try dropping a CD in to the drive and starting Konqueror and typing in audiocd:/ This is cool. It lets you rip cd’s by dragging and dopping folders. There are no draft limits on the encoding quality which beats paying for realplayer and or an upgrade to a non bastardised version XP.
I am also for kicks trying to compile KDE for my sun box. I have been trying on and off for 2 weeks I still haven’t got it all working but I learned some stuff on the way and i am getting closer. I now have arts and kdelibs and i am working on kdebase. After that everything else should be easy.