Woooh hooo my cable modem is on line…..

spoke to soon its off again…..

Oh on again just in time to tease me into thinking I good write a post…….

Oh no off again……….

I am giving them the benefit of the doubt because this is the first outage they have had in the year that I have been living here, and they don’t cap my speed so if there is bandwidth I can use it. I will miss my cable service if I move….. My options would be comcast or verizon.

Oh damn down again……

one more try

All I heard was pisssssssshhhhhhhhh…….

I walked my bike back to my apartment and took my car to work. After work and shopping at Ikea I checked the tire and pulled out half a razor blade. This would be patch number 4 or 5 on the back tire so I think it is about time that I wen out and bought a new inner tube. I also noticed that I am down to about a millimeter of tread on the flat of the back tire. Not bad for about 2000 miles. I don’t know exactly how many miles because I changed my odometer at one point and the new one wouldn’t let me set the initial mileage and the battery is now dead on the old one. I dropped the new a couple weeks back and it reset back to zero. It was at 820 miles so I guess I have done about 2000 miles but I could be under estimating that. I know that I used to get my bike serviced every thousand miles, but my bike from the UK is blurring in the bike I have in the US.

I now have a new bed spread, a new set of shelves (which forgot to buy the metal brace [Ikea Ivar]). A CD holder for the billy book case except they have changed the dimension on the billy book cases and the cd thingy is about an inch to wide. I need a saw preferably one with electricity to cut it down to size. So I need to make another trip to Ikea……. maybe I should leave my credit card at home.

Dead fileserver :(

I was moving all my networking equipment to shelf to give me more deskspace. i reached behind my computer stack to move the network cables and felt a very hot computer case. everything is still running but I think the fan is dieing on the power supply. What does a 135 Watt atx power supply cost these days?

I think I have narrowed down why my printer is not reporting ink levels. The twist is that it works on my laptop. Either it is the version of Windows 2K I used to install it I have a couple different CDs for windows 2K, or it only works when installed on Windows 2K with SP2. My laptop is only at SP2.
I am trying installing SP3 over the top to see what happens. So far I have tried Windows 2k (don’t now which cd I installed from with SP3), Windows 2K CD1 with out any service packs, Windows 2K CD1 with SP3 and all security patches.
Then Windows 2K CD2 and SP2 which works.

Ok I did CD2 and SP3 then installed the driver and it worked?
So it is either CD1 or the install routine must very picky about when I plug in the printer

I seem to be surprising a lot of my friends that haven’t seen me for a long time. I now have long hair. Last time I had long hair was at university, I cut it short before i started interviewing for jobs.
I have more or less done my federal tax. I think my refund is going to get me the 12.1 inch G4 power book …… drool. I am not in a big rush to add computer number 7 to my house hold (8 if you count my tivo) So if you spot any specials on them let me know.