I am really hoping that the new version of linux will be close enough to make my laptop a linux only machine. Or at least primary OS linux. My main requirements are be able to read email via imap over ssl, Read web pages, and play real video streams. Web pages I think the latest version of opera (v7) when it comes out for linux will solve my web browsing woes. I hope that Kmail in the latest version of kde (finger crossed) will allow me to junk outlook express. It does ssl but I didn’t like the fact that I could configure accounts to send out using different smtp servers. Real video is an issue. The latest version of Real player is version 8 and it won’t play content from the new helix servers. Which is what I am using for doing streaming video in my apartment.
Oh didn’t I mention that?
I bought a new computer. It is about the size of a ream of paper. It has a mini-itx motherboard (see mini-itx.com and it has my tv card in it. This was supposed to be my new firewall but I really really like an mp3 player in my living room that streams out 350K video streams from my tivo. Now if the tivoweb server didn’t keep locking up my tivo I would be very very happy.

Went to bed about 11pm, woken up by a fire alarm at 2:30 didn’t get back to sleep until 3:30. My water taxi to work is cancelled so now i am wondering if my 9am meeting is cancelled since that affect how or if I go to work today. I mean it doesn’t even look like an inch of snow from my window.

For all you geeks out there. I have added wish list functionality to projectphotos.com. This is for my personal use more than anything else. I like the idea of the amazon.com wish list but I can’t mix and match things from other websites so I wrote my own. Mine is online at https://projectphotos.com/cgi-bin/wishlist.cgi?user=10

If you would like to create a wish list for your self then create an account on projectphotos.com then drop me an email and I will tell you what your user_id is so that you can access it.

The Certicom ECCp-109 challenge,first posed in 1997, was solved by the Notre Dam team using a network of 10,000 computers (mostly PCs) running 24 hours a day for 549 days. $8,000 of their $10,000 prize money was donated to the Free Software Foundation.

That is a shit load of computing power. I wonder how is compares to a sun E15K

Beth and Sabrina were adopted tonight while I was helping out at the cat shelter. So that just means that Flannel is left from the cats that were there when I started 3 weeks ago. Out of 10 cages, only 3 cats were the same as last week, so a lot of them are being adopted out which is good.

Have you noticed the sales ranking on Amazon? First thing is, ranked against what? other printers, other electronics, other things in the whole of amazon.com. Then I start sorting things by Best selling. I am trying to find the number one selling item. I click on Digital cameras I then click on the first item SiPix style Camera Ok rank 260. Then I click on the next item Cannon A40Rank 43. So why is SiPix camera higher up on the list than the cannon. acording to the sales rank the cannon should be the best selling item. Hmmmmmm……………

My real server is back online

Well I know the quality is crap, but I put the tv card back in my P200, I have the latest version of Real Server and an old version of real Producer. I am now streaming the output from my Tivo through my P200 to my 1.4 Ghz. Since I have the tivoweb installed on my tivo I can now start and stop programs via a web browser. So in theory I can sit at work and watch a real video feed from via my cable connection of my tivo.
Maybe I should upgrade my P200 by putting in a new Motherboard and processor