I haven’t done a huge amount of ture geek stuff recently. Today is the exception. I got my web server to work with HTTPS. I have been means to do this for a while. I am now trying to get my imap server to run over https as well, I tried this a little while back but it didn’t work so I figured I must have screwed something up compiling the package, but today I realised that it is the precompiled package that comes with suse linux that is screwed up so I am now compiling it for my self. (You guys all know what compiling is right?? hint is creating binary file from the text that contains the program information)
update: I now have imap working over ssl 🙂 I have one little niggle that I need to resolve but it is working.
I just deleted about 200 junk emails from an email account i have listed on a web site. Last time I checked the account was Jan 1 this year. Ick
Slashdot’s CmdrTaco proposes online i love the response ‘Update 15 minutes 30 seconds later: Subj: “Yes”, message body: “Dork. You made me cry. :)” ‘
There are some really, em how can I put this, puke worthy valentines cards on yahoo.
I need to go change the channel the kiddy programmes are starting to get on my nerves
US cell phones are really fucked up. I was (probably am) going to get a sprint lg 5250 cell phone. It has most of the features I was looking for. Then Verizon comes out with a new set of plans that allow you to use you phone nation wide with out roaming, which was on of the main reasons for choosing sprint. But, and this is the really crappy part I don’t like any of the verizon phones on there web site. The Lg 5250 is really small and dare I say it cute. I wouldn’t mind a nokia 3360 or 8260 but those are only available on att and voicestream.
Why can’t I get the phone I like on the provider I like
This is on Slashdot at the moment
An anonymous reader submits: “According to an article from law.com, yesterday’s decision by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (U.S.) will have far-reaching effects on web publishing. From the article: ‘… The court found that reproducing photographs to create thumbnail images is a fair use of the material, but displaying full-sized images violates the copyright owner’s exclusive right to publicly display his works….But the court found that displaying the full-sized images through linking and framing was not transformative and harmed the market for the original photographs.’ One lawyer is quoted as saying, ‘It’s basically going to do away with linking or framing without permission.'”
Bollocks, my email @dirk.demon.co.uk is down. Seems they don’t like my credit card. I will update my livejournal email to go to another account until I can sort this out tomorrow morning.