Did I hear the word SNOW!!. I drive round the beltway and onto 395 and ever few exists there were trucks with snow plows and salt waiting to roll.
I wonder why they are running this story now, In the post
I had dinner with HY and friends last night, drove all the way out to reston to find the trip to Nation was on, so drove all the way back to Alexandria to meet up with them then dance till 3 am. I rolled over and looked at the clock went hmm almost lunch time, rolled over again and went shit 11:55 I need to pay my rent today and the office closes at 12 noon. I made it in time and dropped off my cheque. I have now had a shower and smell less of what was being smoked round about me. Now to phone HY back and sort of the plans for the rest of the day. I think we are going to be going Scottish Country Dancing Tomorrow. I was thinking that it was today but it is the 6th so that gives me a little time to recover.
This question has been running around in my head for the past couple days. I remember taking a class in High School called modern studies which covers politics and other modern type issues. One of the questions asked in the class was “What companies would you not work for because they make something that is against your moral beliefs” Would you work for a company that makes bombs that kill people for example? Would you work for the company that makes the microchips that are used by the company that make the bombs? Would you work for a company that you know makes something that is used by the company that makes the microchips? Where do you draw the line?
This was an interesting question when I was 14, I am now I am 26 and looking for a job and a lot of the companies in the area are involved in military contracts.
Happy New Year to everyone!
McCarthy’s Bar by Pete McCarthy
I order a pint of Guinness and a packet of plain crisps,which in Ireland are cheese and onion flavoured
I am watching Wonders Years and I think Kevin’s Sister is living in a house with a very young Ross from Friends. Its sounds exactly like him 🙂
Interesting, BBC America is showing “So Graham Norton” which is a Channel Four Show. For those who don’t know the UK has 5 broadcast channels 2 of them run by the BBC then ITV, Channel 4 and originally named Channel 5. So the BBC is showing a show that was made by the competition