Here is another one “8 years experience in the NT field.” Ok this might be possible, NT 4 has been around for 4 years so that means you must have used NT 3.51 before. Anyone know when NT 3 came out? I keep wondering what value 8 years of experience really is. πŸ™‚ I am applying for this anyway.

Geek Stuff
upgraded the bios on my wireless gateway. It should fix the problem with connections getting very slow over time. I only just figured this was happening a few days ago. The only draw back is the snmp stuff is screwed up, but I was looking for a way to switch it off so I guess it is a win win situation

Typical, I ordered two packages, one from Amazon UK and one from Amazon US on the same day. Guess which one made it here first? Thats right the one from the UK.So I now have three new CD’s to listen to thanks to the gift voucher from Elaine for my birthday πŸ™‚

Got up late on Thursday and HY and I drove down to Williamsburg Va. Had alot of fun trying to find somewhere to eat on Thanksgiving that serves Veggies πŸ™‚ Also visited Jamestown which was alot of fun. I would recommend taking the tours. We also stopped at Yorktown on the way back to Northern VA. I am gald I have a National Park anual pass I think it has now paid for its self πŸ™‚