Yesterday evening was spent with HY, the original plan was to meet up with JW and others go see a friend who is acting in a play. But when I phoned him I got some girl on his cell phone. Turns out he was doing some more drinking with people from his boat house.
So instead we went to the Arlington Cinema and draft house to watch memento, $4 movies and Beer 🙂 thanks to for the idea.
Kind of funny about 10 people in front in the queue was a certain ex employee. There are 2 people I have zero interest in ever speaking to again. One is an old manager the other is this guy. I didn’t realize until we were already sitting that he was on the row behind. Just as well I checked before saying anything more :).
As far as the movie goes all I can say is
I am confused
After words we went back to my place and talked till about 3 am 😉

JW: I am rowing tomorrow at 2pm at the head of the Potomac
I: I am not sure if I am in going to be here
JW: Ok
JW on IM: Are you coming tomorrow

I went to the Potomac and hung around. I couldn’t find JW or anyone else I know. I managed to miss his race but saw him when he got out of the water. I didn’t bother bringing my camera this time. There is only so many pictures you can take of a guy in Lycra

Plus I had iso 100 film my camera which is too slow for zoom lens I would have to use. The photo was from his last competition. After words some beer was in order. It was really warm sitting watching the boats sail by.

I just saw an ad for Trance Nation America Two on the TV. The reason I looked was the music, so why did they need a girl in a bikini posing on rocks???? Now I see what looks like a laptop, a tv and HiFi humping????? btw that one is for Ok I admit it I am watching Undressed on MTV


I have been looking at the photos from a rafting trip I went in Colorado. I had them scanned when they were processed. I have been trying to workout why the order is back to front. Then I remembered that the disposable camera winds the film back into the film case rather than the other way round.

Now that I have had the weekend to think my options they work out like this,

1) Try and get a transfer into the parent company, that would at least save the year I have spent on my green card application.

2) try and get a job in D.C. I would like to stay in the area, I have my reasons.

3) If it looks like I am not getting job by November then I will pack up my life and ship it back to Scotland. Then take the time in between November and my Flight for Xmas to do some travelling.