New Laptop

So HY was kind enough to bring my new laptop home with her yesterday. After the initial unboxing and savoring that new computer smell I plugged it in. I decided to transfer all my files from my old 12 inch Powerbook since it was rebuilt a few months back and the machine will become a ‘public’ computer for anyone who needs it at the house. After waiting and cursing apple for lying about how long it would take all my files and settings were transferred over. From a normal user experience this is great since it gets you up and running very quickly and everything is set up exactly as you are used to….. but….. I am feel I am missing the ritual that you get when you defile a fresh install of an OS by tweaking, install and customizing till you happy with it.

For a mac my standard install list would be
Firefox (get the beta of V3)
Microsoft RDC client (get the new beta version)
Chicken of VNC
Dev Tools
Darwin Ports
For intel macs I would also add vmware fusion (need to try out virtual box)